Effective Messaging with Justin Keller

12-week mentorship to create a clear, compelling, and competitive brand message that will transform your business and nonprofit without a big budget or agency.

Start using the right words and you’ll start seeing the results you want in your business or nonprofit.

How are business owners I work with seeing up to 2x in revenue? How do the nonprofits I help raise millions of dollars more than they ever have? How are businesses and nonprofits alike seeing their email open rates increase 80% or even higher? The answer: the right words and the right strategies, turning their brand message into massive results. 

You don’t need a big budget, a new logo, a new website, or an expensive agency to start transforming and growing your business or nonprofit. The foundation for more sales, more email opens, more donor engagement, and creating more buy-in with your audience; it’s the words you use. 

Look at this example below. All we did was first change how my client communicated, and he saw an 89% increase in open email rates. That means he had almost 2x’s the amount of eyes on his marketing than he did weeks before this. What would it feel like if you could have more people paying attention to what you’re communicating?


“Open rates have been through the roof lately.”

- Brent Gallagher | Owner, Avenu Fit


Spend less money, see more transformation, and get results you can measure.

You’re wondering why your emails aren’t getting the response you think they should. You wish your social media content would see more engagement. You’re struggling to communicate clearly and effectively what you do and connect that to those you are trying to help. The struggle is real, but we can solve that together.

Meet your mentor

The 12-week mentorship is a hands-on program guided each week by me Justin Keller. From Nike to large nonprofits, local businesses, and online creators and coaches, my branding strategies have shaped the transformation and growth of brands for almost two decades. 

You’re going to fix the real issues keeping you from improving sales, engagement, and performance for your business or nonprofit. The step-by-step mentorship program will help you differentiate your brand, improve your marketing, increase engagement, and even make your website more effective, all without a big budget or agency. I will show you how to create and use the right words to launch transformation and growth for your organization.

Effective Messaging with Justin Keller

June 6-August 26, 2022 (Registration closes May 23, 2022)

12-week mentorship to create a clear, compelling, and competitive brand message that will transform your business or nonprofit without a big budget or agency.

The mentorship is more than theories and concepts. The mentorship is a weekly program where I’ll be in your corner, taking you from insights to ideas, all the way to guiding you on how to implement your messaging and strategies immediately. By the end of the 90 days, you’ll be able to improve your marketing, website, and engagement strategies without a big budget or agency.


Mentorship Details

  • Go beyond logos and visuals and learn what branding is and how to measure the effectiveness of your branding. By the end of this module, you and your team will be thinking like a brand strategist, and you’ll have a foundation that will transform the way you approach branding in your business or nonprofit.

    - The new definition of branding

    - Understanding the elements of effective brands*

    - The 3 C’s to measure brand effectiveness

  • Week 1-3

    Inside this module, you will take a deep dive into understanding the foundation for your business or nonprofit, who the right target audience is and what motivates their decision-making, and how to align what you do with who you are and who you are here to serve.

    Who you are & what matters to you

    Leveraging your origin story

    Defining what matters to you (mission and values)

    Articulating why you exist (purpose)

    Who your target audience is and what matters to them

    Defining your audience

    Understanding what pain points they have

    Knowing how they feel about your brand or related brands

    Aligning you and what you offer with your audience

    Understanding your audience’s decision-making process

    Connecting the your brand benefits to audience pain points

    Outcome: Bring meaning into your brand and improve the connection you create with your audience

  • Weeks 4-6

    Inside this module, you will audit your current brand position and the competitive landscape in your specific market and use that to create your brand differentiation and future positioning.

    Your current brand position

    Your strengths/hurdles

    Your tone

    Your brand perception

    Your competitive position

    Understanding & leverage competition

    Define what sets you apart

    Identify market/niche opportunities

    Your desired position

    Creating a future-proof vision

    Identifying what needs to change

    Creating a realistic plan for progress

    Outcome: Strengthen your competitive differentiation

  • Inside this module, you will take the insights from your brand foundations and positioning and use that to form your new brand messaging system.

    Building a brand on promises kept

    The foundation for your brand promises

    The framework for defining your brand promises

    Creating your brand promises

    Developing your unique positioning statement

    The elements of effective positioning statements

    Evaluating competitor positioning statements

    Writing your unique positioning statements

    Creating a memorable brand slogan

    Slogans vs. tagline what they are and how to use them

    Framework for creating effective slogans

    Developing your brand slogan

    Outcome: A clear and compelling message that differentiates you and helps you cut through the clutter

  • Weeks 10-12

    Inside the final module, you’ll put your messaging to work, immediately improve your website and marketing strategies, and create systems that develop a consistent brand voice and content strategy.

    Apply your messaging

    Retention and acquisition marketing strategies

    Creating a consistent brand voice in all marketing

    Making your messaging and strategies work on your website

    Establishing a marketing & engagement strategy

    Audit past marketing

    Identify platforms and outreach marketing strategies

    Create a content process and schedule

    Measuring brand effectiveness

    What KPI’s are and how to leverage them

    Defining your unique KPI’s

    KPI reviewing process and schedule

    Outcome: Immediately take what you learned and created and apply it to your website and marketing


Included in the mentorship:

  • 36 audio lessons released week by week

  • Daily bonus content from Justin 5-days a week

  • Weekly assignments and action steps

  • Physical workbook delivered to your doorstep

  • Weekly Q&A with Justin

  • 6 Exclusive Brandtalks interviews from leaders & experts

  • Lifetime access

  • 1:1 hour strategy session with Justin to review your new brand messaging (limited to the first 5 to register)

  • No-risk with a 100% satisfaction guarantee*

Mentorship investment

Early bird pricing: $897 (May 5-May12)

Regular pricing: $1,297 (May 13-May 23)

*Must show all the work has been done within the first 6 months to receive money back


Increased engagement, revenue and better fundraising. Your results are next.


Here’s what happens when you use the right words to connect with your audience


“The messaging, and strategies have positioned us for massive growth. Being able to translate our vision and values into business solutions has been the foundation for allowing us to grow from a small one location firm, to now in over 10 markets managing $8 billion in assets.”

— Chris Merla | COO at Intrua Financial

“The brand message has been the foundation for our venture capital fund. Almost two years later and $10 million dollars later, the results of the right messaging and strategies continue to be the foundation upon which we build our company!”

— Carrie Colbert | Curate Capital

“This process help us better understand our true value-add for the market, and position us with a strategy and messaging that has already given us an edge over our competition. We’re getting noticed, and seeing major results.”

— John Gilman | CMO at ACS Technologies


  • Clarity with messaging and strategies has resulted in an 89% increase in open email rates. I’ve had business clients with doubled revenue and nonprofits who have raised millions of dollars more than they’ve ever raised before. The mentorship will show you how to craft the right words and apply them so you can see transformation and growth quickly.

  • Do you know what most organizations do through the summer? They sit. They wait and put their organizations in vacation mode just because people are in vacation mode. Then the Fall hits, and boom, we better start working on things. But then it’s already too late.

    The summer is your advantage. Summer is usually a slower time for most organizations, so it’s the perfect time to prepare for the Fall. Preparing in the summer when others take it easy has always been my business advantage.

    The mentorship is put together with the summer in mind. The audio lessons are easy to listen to & access wherever you are, and you can take the physical workbook with you.

  • One consistent factor is at the core of all branding, whether a small business or a nonprofit. Sure one is trying to generate sales, and the other is trying to raise funds and engage volunteers, but there are people at the core of every small business and nonprofit.

    Like some of you, there are the founders who started your business or nonprofit to help people. The team members, staff, or even volunteers are part of the organization because they believe in what you’re doing. And then there are the people your business or nonprofit is here to serve.

    The principles you will learn have been applied and proven to work with businesses, online programs, and nonprofits.

  • The mentorship is week-by-week, but once a lesson has been released, it’s there for you to access at any time. You can go through the mentorship with me and others in real-time or do it at your own pace.

  • The mentorship will give you everything that I do with my 1:1 clients. Instead of charging thousands of dollars, you will have access to those same strategies for a fraction of what it would cost to work with me 1:1.

  • The mentorship is designed to work well for individuals or teams. If you have a team going through the process together, I will send you specific instructions on how to effectively guide the process with them.